then i met you
2019, Graduation Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie

"How it becomes that there is a „self“ ? How constant is it? Does it fall apart and rebuilt itself? Clemens Fischer follows this questions visually. The origin of this search is based on the picture itself and therefore on the medium photography as well. Subconsciously compossitions were created where elements existed next to each other separately but in the same time they seemed to be connected invitabley. From this realisation onward this coherences were rendered with portraits and abstract atmospheric situations. Started as an experiment this work owes the viewer an answer. Rather the journey is the reward and the issue the epistemological interest - in autobiographical context as well as in a metaphorical sense. The pictures should thought provoke about the self-conception of our selfs. Can logic and science explain the complexity of our being or does it stay a mystery."

book publication